Hello everyone!
So this week’s post is going to be something a little different from the norm. It's just going to be a brief description of my hair and mainly pictures because I feel as if it's better to SEE what kind of hair I, myself, am working with so that you can get a better understanding of the person behind the keyboard.
Ok, so let's begin!
I have course hair. Now if you were to ask me my hair type, o could not tell you. I'm not really into the hair typing system, although I'm more than sure that it benefits some (I'll save that explanation for another article). I have different textures all throughout my head. My crown is the most coarse and the sides and the front are more loose textured coils.
Also, I have low porosity hair. Meaning that it is not easy for my hair to absorb moisture. In order to make sure my hair is gaining the moisture is needs, I usually sit under a hooded dryer once I have applied the product that needs to penetrate such as a oil or even a leave-in conditioner.
Now for the pictures! I'm going to show you my hair manipulated in different ways so that you can see for yourself, that it still appears to be healthy and more importantly IS healthy.
A Natural
Your styles are just gorgeous & the versatility is what I LOVE about being natural.